But a recent study finds that the device can be inaccurate in people with dark skin tones. And in some cases, this can lead to a misdiagnosis.
finger pulse oximeter
A finger pulse oximeter is one of the most common devices used to take oxygen saturation readings at home. It is easy to use, affordable and a great tool for those without medical experience.
A device that shines a light beam through the skin, the finger pulse oximeter measures your oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate. It can also measure other vitals like temperature.
It works by measuring how much of the red and near infrared light a finger absorbs. Using the ratio between red and infrared light, the device calculates your oxygen saturation.
The device is clipped to your finger or earlobe and can stay on as long as you need it. To use it, you need to remove any nail polish or false nails and warm your hand if cold.
You must rest your hand on your chest at heart level and hold it still for at least five minutes before you take a reading. It will take time for the reading to steady, so keep it in place for a minute or longer if the reading does not remain stable.
If you’re concerned about your readings, talk to your doctor. They may be able to help you improve your oxygen levels and prevent dangerous side effects.
fingertip pulse oximeter
A fingertip pulse oximeter (also called an oxygen monitor) is an easy way to track your health. It doesn’t require needle pricks and uses a cold light source to measure your blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate.
These vital numbers are often a warning sign that you need to see your doctor, especially when they drop below a certain level, which can happen at any time, even while you’re at home. They are used to help doctors and nurses identify your condition and treat you quickly if necessary.
How to use a fingertip pulse oximeter
Clip the device on to your index (pointer), middle, or ring finger with the display facing toward you. It’s best to use a clean, unpainted finger without nail polish or artificial nails.
Press the button and hold your hand still while the device measures. It can take up to 30 seconds for the waves to adjust and for the readings to stabilize.
Keep a record of your pulse oximeter measurements 3 times a day to make sure you’re staying on top of your health. You can also keep a symptom diary to track changes so you can get advice from your healthcare team.
pulse oximeter normal range
A pulse oximeter is a device that clips onto your fingertip and shines a light into the blood vessels to measure oxygen. The device then displays your blood oxygen level (SpO2) and your pulse rate (beats per minute).
If you’re a healthy person, your blood oxygen reading will fall between 95% and 100%. If your reading drops below this range, it could be because of a health condition or a problem with how your body uses oxygen.
To use a pulse oximeter, it is important to have the device properly clipped on your fingertip and hold it still. You should also wait for the waves to be regular and your reading values to stabilize before taking your first reading.
Keep track of your readings and be sure to report any changes or trends if they appear to be unusual. This will help your doctor determine whether further testing or treatment is necessary.
In general, your heart rate should be between 50 and 90 beats per minute. However, if you smoke or have poor circulation, your heart rate can be higher or lower than this. It can also be affected by skin color, thickness, current use of tobacco, and the temperature of your skin.